Friday, August 21, 2015

The Beginning

Hello Friends!
To start of my first blog entry I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Julie Allerston. I'm an Interior Decorator and a Fiber Artist in Moncton, New Brunswick. I work as a weaver and spinner. I also work with dying my own fiber with natural and manufactured dyes. My studio practice is based on designing one of a kind textile for the average person’s home by working with a variety of quality materials, colour schemes, and textures. My goal as a designer and artist is to transform homes from the textiles up by providing my clients with high quality, well made and unique hand woven textiles for any room of their home. I just graduated from the New Brunswick Collage of Craft and Design last June. I'm existed to start preparing to set up my studio. This summer after graduation I went on a missions trip with Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship. To Montreal to discover where God is in the City and in our own lives. While there I was praying and discern what God is calling me to be as an artist to serve his kingdom and support the poor and justest in this world. With still lots of discernment and prayer I'm still fingering it out. I hope you join me on this journey with my love of Fiber Artists and Interiors.Julie